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What happens to your body when you smoke Salvia Divinorum

         Like other hallucinogens, salvia induces hallucinatory effects that persist for varying amounts depending on the quantity of dose taken. Salvia also has a unique chemical makeup, unlike any other drug. When used for recreational purposes, users either smoke salvia, vaporize or snort it. Salvia Overview         Salvia Divinorum […]

Precautions you should take if you are trying Salvia first time

        Salvia contains a notable chemical substance called Salvinorin A. Salvinorin A is responsible for salvia’s mind-altering effects. It is not chemically related to any other psychoactive drug. Unlike most visionary compounds, it is not an alkaloid. Pure Salvinorin A is exceptionally potent. Because of its extreme potency, pure Salvinorin A should […]

Method of Preparing Salvia Extracts

         Traditionally, salvia leaves were formed into a chewable quid which delivers a potent and lasting trip, but its taste is not for the faint-hearted. On the other hand, smoking salvia leaves straight isn’t very strong. That’s where the concentrates come in. They are salvia-standardized extracts. Mostly, extracts are named after their […]

Salvia Divinorum Facts: Narcotic Drug or Medical Treasure

            Classifying Salvia based on its effect is quiet obvious and conclusion can be made without much ado, incuding classifying it as a narcotic drug. Though many people are curious about the classification of this herb, its future class and legal status. It is known that If the government and […]

Taking Salvia: Alternative Ways to Consume It

       Traditional Salvia divinorum is used by the Mazatec people through oral ingestion. The primary traditional method of taking salvia involves grinding large quantities of fresh salvia leaves. You then infuse water with them to make a salvia tea. This method has the drawback of being less potent because the active ingredient of […]

Top 5 Best Funny Salvia Trip Videos

       The name “salvia” was derived from Latin origins meaning “to feel well, healthy, to heal.” Salvia is known to produce hallucinogenic experiences, commonly referred by the common man as “tripping balls”.  However, unlike acid, shroom, or some of the more staunch hallucinogens out there. Salvia is known to be relatively harmless because […]


Salvia Divinorum is a powerful psychoactive plant known as a member of the sage family. The main benefit and usefulness of Salvia Divinorum are to provide herbal medicines that promote wellness and well-being. 1G 10X Standardized Salvia Extract >>> SHOP NOW Moderate and considerable usage of salvia is a powerful tool for meditation and greater […]

How to Choose the Right Salvia Extract for Beginners

                                        How to Choose the Right Salvia Extract for Beginners        Salvia Divinorum means the “Diviners’ Sage” in the Aztec language. There are about 500 to 900 sub-species of herbs under the name salvia. While […]