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Precautions you should take if you are trying Salvia first time

        Salvia contains a notable chemical substance called Salvinorin A. Salvinorin A is responsible for salvia’s mind-altering effects. It is not chemically related to any other psychoactive drug. Unlike most visionary compounds, it is not an alkaloid. Pure Salvinorin A is exceptionally potent. Because of its extreme potency, pure Salvinorin A should never be used unless the dosage has been precisely measured with a highly accurate chemist’s scale. Fortunately, Salvia leaf is hundreds of times weaker than pure Salvinorin A; therefore, Salvia leaf can be used much more safely. Here are some tips for those who are taking salvia first time.

What is Salvia?

          The first precaution to know about salvia is that salvia is not a party drug. Salvia is not as “fun” as alcohol or Cannabis can be. If you try to party with salvia, you probably will not have a good experience. Salvia is a consciousness-changing herb used in a vision quest or a healing ritual. In the right setting, salvia makes it possible to see visions. It is an herb with a long tradition of sacred use. Salvia is helpful for deep meditation. It is best taken in a quiet, nearly dark room, either alone, preferably with a sitter, or with one or two good friends. The herb should be taken either in silence or (sometimes) with soft, pleasant music playing.

          Need for a Sitter as a precautionary measure. A sitter is essential if you take doses on which you may freak out, become confused, injure yourself, fall, or do anything that might harm others. Have a sitter present if you are new to salvia, are experimenting with a more potent form than you have used before, or are using a more effective method of ingestion.

Experienced Vs. Amateur User

An experienced Salvia user chewing a quid may often choose to do it alone and be relatively safe. But having a pleasant, sensible, sober sitter is an absolute must if you are trying vaporization, smoking high doses of extract-enhanced leaves, or using pure Salvinorin. Smoking leaves usually fall in between in terms of risk. Many people do so without a sitter, but a sitter is never a bad idea.

What a Sitter Should Know and Do

         The sitter must remember that no matter how strangely the person acts, the effects of Salvia first time are short-lived, and don’t take the person to the emergency room (unless there is a true medical emergency). Keep the person safe and wait it out. If you can’t keep the person safe, get help. Otherwise, keep the matter private. The person will return to normal within an hour or so (usually much less). It is very reassuring to hold onto this knowledge if things get messy. It helps to have experienced salvia yourself before sitting for another person. Experience with other visionary materials may be only partially helpful.

The Roles of a Sitter Salvia First Time

         The most important of these is to keep the person and others who may be present safe. It comes before all else. The main danger is accidental injury; be a gentle guardian. Be as unobtrusive as possible, but remain alert in case the person should suddenly start moving about recklessly. Do not use physical force unless nothing else will do. Use of physical force may result in injury. It could be misinterpreted as an assault. Keep the person safe from falls, head banging, sharp objects, walking into walls, walking into furniture, walking through windows, wandering out into the street or other public areas, open flames, hot surfaces, and breakable objects. But let the person move about in a safe place.

Take Away

Another job of the sitter is to reassure. Often, repeated explanations may help if they appear frightened, e.g., “You’re safe, and I won’t let anything harm you.” Silence is often less threatening to the person than trying to decipher what a sitter is saying. With the above precaution, your safe trip to Salvia first time experience is guaranteed.

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